Monday, September 22, 2014

Another side of the story

For every side of a story, there is always another side. For this blog post, I'm going to explore the notion that chemical free living is not always a good thing. As you may be able to guess, I couldn't find much on anti-chemical free living, for obvious reasons. What I could find, though, were multiple blogs posts about how the term "chemical-free" is sometimes misleading and not always the best way to describe organic living. As I mentioned in my first post, water is a chemical. Air is made up of multiple chemicals. The term "chemical" describes more than just harmful, synthetic agents that contaminate our lives. By saying I'm trying to live a more chemical-free lifestyle, I am specifically talking about dangerous chemicals that make up most of the ingredients in everyday products, foods, and drinks. 

Some websites, like this one, go as far as to say we should sue companies that claim their products are chemical-free. Why? This author claims that products labeled "chemical free" are misleading and inaccurate. There are laws that require truth in advertising, and he says that these companies aren't telling the truth. This author looks more at the legal side of this case-- that companies that label their products chemical-free are creating false competition for companies that produce the same product that do not mislabel their products. 

This blogger claims that chemical-free is a made up term by marketers to scare people into thinking that all other products are chemical laden. The things is, THEY ARE. But, you have to do your own research. Basically, this blogger is saying that just because a product is labeled chemical-free doesn't always mean that the product is free of chemicals. Does that make sense?

The only other sides of the story I found were arguments against vegetarianism. I am a vegetarian for many reasons; a large one is to help weed out more chemicals in my life because as most people know nowadays, much of our meat produces are laced with carcinogens and antibiotics. Obviously, vegetarianism is not for everyone. Some people are even on the extreme side of being against it and go out of their way to argue it. 

Bottom line-- do your own research. Always. Not just in this case, but always. Read the labels and ingredients. It only takes a minute and it can save you pain and suffering in the long run. 

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